After allowing the concrete foundation walls 72 hours to cure, it was finally time to strip all of the form work from the foundation. All form work has now been removed from the exterior of the foundation walls, however the interior form work on the walls was left in place. This may be because there is no crane on site to lift the form work out of the pit.
The next piece of work to be complete now that the forms have been removed will be to cut the excess form ties extending out of the concrete and patch the ends of them to keep water from infiltrating the holes.
I was able to also get a hold of a set of drawings for the foundation of this structure and noticed that the structure uses a 1'x3' footing. This is interesting because the usual rule of thumb is for footings to be one and a half times the thickness of the foundation wall sitting on them. The foundation wall thickness in this case being 1', meaning the depth of the footing should be 16" thick.
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